Quiet evening. Played with Clothes.
It was a quiet night in the store.
I cleaned the closet. Well. Started cleaning the closet. The second closet. The first one I cleaned last week. It's spectacularly organized. It's shiny. It's clean. In order to accommodate said task in limited time and with great purpose I basically shoved, dumped, threw everything that I didn't want in the first closet into the second closet.
As you do.
Now I have to clean the second closet. The closet that will take the time and attention and dedication the first didn't.
And in the midst of that M (new employee) strategized outfits and created three new ones. I may have patience for cleaning and organizing a closet. I have none for creating outfits. M does. she put together the one featured, and when I found shelves for the wall - she came up with shoes and those same boots I wish I fit.
Slow night? Not at The Clothes Mine.